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7 Ways to Match Your Aquamarine Gemstone With Your Outfit: A Complete Guide

7 Ways to Match Your Aquamarine Gemstone With Your Outfit

Looking to make a fashion statement with a beautiful aquamarine gemstone? Click here to learn to create an outfit that accentuates your aquamarine accessories.


You may laugh at us when we tell you that babies born in March are statistically proven more successful in corporate life and at a lower risk for asthma. The thing is, studies show that all these statements are true. They also show us that March babies are more optimistic — they're rarely blue.

The only thing blue about Pisces and Aries is their birthstone. The lovely aquamarine gemstone is radiant, the color of waves foaming and crashing in the ocean on a sunny day. Whether you were born in March or not, this stone is a wardrobe must-have.

Still, you may be asking, how do you incorporate aquamarine seamlessly into your wardrobe? That's where we come in. Read on to learn some ways to match the aquamarine gemstone with the rest of your wardrobe and look amazing.

1. Coordinate Your Colors

Before you can put together any outfit, you need to understand how to coordinate colors. This means using colors that complement each other rather than those that clash. This is what will ultimately draw the entirety of an outfit together and make you look good.

Since aquamarine is light blue, you're going to need to get wardrobe items that go with it. The best colors to pair with light blue are, according to science, navy blue, midnight blue, lavender, aubergine, dusty rose, and peach. Consider looking around for blouses in these colors!

2. Spectacular Shapes

Most gemstones come in a variety of cuts and shapes, and aquamarine is no exception. For this reason, you're going to want to look for patterns that match the gemstone cuts on your favorite pieces of aquamarine jewelry. You're also going to want to get cuts of aquamarine that go with the patterns on your pre-existing favorite blouses or purses.

For example, if you have a shirt you love that has teardrop shapes on it, consider getting a ring with pear-shaped aquamarine gemstones. You want everything to go together, after all- that's the common theme here!

3. Coordinate Within Jewelry Pieces

When choosing jewelry set with aquamarine gemstones, you're going to want to make sure that the rest of the piece complements the stone. While yellow or rose gold looks great with other stones, the heat of these colors will clash with calm, cool aquamarine.

Instead, try incorporating clear or white diamonds (if you want other stones in the jewelry) as well as a silver or white-gold band.  

4. Match Your Other Jewelry

If you're going to wear other jewelry at the same time as your favorite aquamarine piece, that's awesome! Just make sure that the colors of the various pieces you wear at once all complement each other.

Blue topaz goes well with aquamarine because it's a similar hue- just a bit darker. You can get beautiful dangling earrings in blue topaz and wear them with an aquamarine ring or necklace. Turquoise is also great if you want to have an all-blue ensemble. In fact, you can wear all three of these gemstones together!

Purple and green also go well with aquamarine, so consider those colors as well.

Outfit Ideas

Now that you know the basics of how to match aquamarine with the rest of your ensembles, it's time to discuss some of the outfits that can be greatly enhanced by this gemstone. Read on to learn some lovely and creative ways to wear the gorgeous March birthday stone!

5. Button Up Blouses

Button-up blouses are perfect for both formal and casual occasions. They also come in pretty much any hue you can think of, so it's easy to find one in a color that goes well with your aquamarine gemstone. Try a black or dark blue blouse to make your aquamarine earrings or pendant pop.

Aquamarine also comes in a lot of shapes, so it's a good idea to find buttons that match the shape of your favorite piece of jewelry. This will draw your outfit together in a way that it previously couldn't have been.

6. Cute and Casual

Aquamarine is perky and fun while also being serene and calming. This makes it the perfect gemstone for casual events. On a night out with your pals or on a first date, wearing an aquamarine gemstone shows that you're simultaneously down to have a good time while also being mature when picking out fine jewelry.

Wearing aquamarine in conjunction with a leather jacket or zippered skirt is a great way to show that you have both a fun and classy side. You can also wear aquamarine with sundresses during the summertime if you want to give off a beautiful beach-babe vibe.

7. Professional Pairings

Because it's such a sophisticated and fashionable stone, aquamarine is perfect for wearing into the workplace or to other business functions. Pairing your favorite aquamarine jewelry with a power suit or a pencil skirt is the perfect way to add a feminine flair to your business outfit.

You want to be taken seriously in the workplace, of course, but this doesn't need to happen at the expense of fashion and all self-expression. Consider an aquamarine ring or pair of stud earrings as a daily office accessory.

Aquamarine Gemstone Fashion Trends

While there are a lot of beautiful gemstones out there, aquamarine truly does shine above the rest.

Now that you know how to assemble an outfit that uses aquamarine gemstone as its heart and soul, it's time to shop for aquamarine jewelry as well as other gems that go with it. Click here to start shopping for the biggest sale items in our store. Here, you can buy beautiful, high-quality jewelry at an incredibly low price.

Stay stylish!

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