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Myths, Lore, and More: 8 Superstitions Associated With the March Birthday Stone, Aquamarine

8 Superstitions Associated With the March Birthday Stone, Aquamarine

While superstitions are usually false, they can be interesting. Click here to learn some myths associated with the March birthday stone, aquamarine.


About half of aquamarine gemstones are worth between $100 and $1000, with a tiny minority of special, dark stones being worth over $10,000 each.

The March birthday stone is the aquamarine, a light blue gem whose name means "seawater."

This beautiful stone is associated with a plethora of stories and ideas. It has been used by the Greeks and in Medieval times, offering good luck for couples and magical powers.

The March Birthday Stone

If you or a loved one were born in March, an aquamarine stone is a great way to feel a connection to yourself. No matter what your background, personality, or experiences, there's probably a story about aquamarine stones that is similar to part of your own life.

By understanding the history and mythology of the aquamarine gemstone, you can learn to associate it with positive memories and feelings. A birthday stone that reminds you of important parts of your life can be a great way to find strength in difficult times.

1. Doubting Thomas

The March birthstone is associated with St. Thomas of Christianity. St. Thomas traveled far and wide to share the message of his beliefs.

The clear, beautiful blue of the aquamarine is a symbol of the sea that St. Thomas traveled across and the sky that he traveled under.

St. Thomas was one of the first 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. After Jesus was crucified on a cross and rose from the dead, the other apostles told St. Thomas, who had been away at the time, that Jesus was alive again.

St. Thomas is sometimes called Doubting Thomas because he said that he would never believe that Jesus had come back from the dead unless he could see Jesus with his own eyes and feel the wounds in Jesus' body with his own hands.

The gospels in the New Testament record that as soon as St. Thomas finished speaking these words, Jesus appeared in the room to prove himself to Thomas. He told Thomas to feel the wounds in his hands and in his side.

Only then did Thomas believe, but Jesus said that it was better to believe without seeing than to believe only after seeing.

This dramatic story demonstrates a part of human psychology that continues to this day. Some find it easier to believe than others. Some think it is better to wait to believe until after seeing proof.

If this story resonates with you, then remembering that the aquamarine is a symbol of St. Thomas may make the aquamarine's meaning all the stronger to you.

2. Thomas the Traveler

Another episode in the history of St. Thomas records his many travels to preach the teachings of Jesus. While Thomas may have doubted once, he was later certain of his beliefs, dedicating his entire life to them.

St. Thomas followed the command of Jesus to "go and make disciples of all nations." In fact, Thomas went farther than any other apostle in his mission to spread his beliefs.

St. Thomas is also known as the "Apostle of India," because he traveled all the way from Jerusalem to India to spread Christianity. There, he preached and taught with great power, converting thousands of people.

This next episode in Thomas's life shows that no matter our history, we can do great things once we are sure of ourselves. This is another great lesson that the aquamarine gemstone can remind us to ponder.

3. Thomas the Martyr

Eventually, Thomas's new ideas angered some of the powerful people in India. He refused to back down and was eventually martyred by an angry priest.

This last episode in Thomas's life can be a great inspiration to those that feel the importance of speaking truth to power and holding their ground. The aquamarine can remind us of his ultimate sacrifice, which shows us how strongly people can feel about their beliefs.

4. The Aquamarine Blesses Couples

Aquamarine is also a symbol of happiness. It is believed by some to help couples develop a peaceful and joyous existence together. In Ancient Rome, aquamarine stones were often given to brides at their wedding.

An aquamarine pendant or gemstone can be a great reminder to value our loved ones and seek to enjoy harmonious relationships with them.

5. Healing Powers

Stories about aquamarine stones claim that they have special spiritual and physical healing powers.

Aquamarine stones are said to heal poison as well as promote peace in the soul. Roman Camillus Leonardus of Ancient Rome claimed that they promote health in the stomach and throat.

6. A Mermaid's Treasure

The ancient historian Pliny said that the aquamarine seemed to come from the treasure trove of some mermaid, reminiscent of the collection of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

Anyone who loves The Little Mermaid may love to think of their own gemstone as coming from Ariel's grotto full of collectibles.

7. A Sailor's Protection

The aquamarine has long been associated with the sea, acting as a symbol of the God of the Sea.

Some stories claim that the aquamarine can help ward off seasickness and ensure safe travels across stormy waters. Ancient sailors collected aquamarine stones to protect themselves.

8. Symbol of a Goddess

The aquamarine is the stone of the Chinese Goddess of Mercy and Compassion: Guanyin. Guanyin is sometimes compared to the Virgin Mary from Christian stories. 

Guanyin was once reincarnated as a princess whose father was an evil king. Her father tried to force her to marry a rich man who did not love her.

Guanyin promised to marry the man only if the marriage would solve three problems. The first was the suffering of old age. The second was the suffering of the sick. And the third was the suffering caused by death.

Since the marriage could not solve these problems, Guanyin said she would rather remain unmarried forever than marry the rich man.

A Beautiful Reminder of Who You Are

We hope you've enjoyed learning the stories and myths connected to the aquamarine, the march birthday stone. To find quality examples of all the birthday gemstones, check out our website.

You can find plain gemstones as well as stones set in elegant jewelry. As you keep a reminder of your identity with you at all times, it can build a history with you and come to be a source of strength and memories in later life.

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