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10 Awesome Outfits That Go Great With Yellow Diamond Stud Earrings

10 Awesome Outfits That Go Great With Yellow Diamond Stud Earrings

Looking for an awesome way to wear your yellow diamond stud earrings? Click here for some ideas on how to complement them with your outfit.


Did you know that of all the varieties of colored diamonds available, yellow ones are the most common? Yellow diamonds account for 60% of naturally occurring diamond colors and are gaining in popularity.

They also range in shades from pale yellow to a bright canary hue. And while the sunny color is hard to resist, you may be wondering what to wear with them.

The good news is just about anything that can be worn with yellow diamonds, particularly yellow diamond stud earrings which are more discrete than wearing a ring or pendant.

But if you're looking for some specific ideas, here are nine suggested outfits that will compliment your new earrings.

1. A Little Black Dress

The little black dress, popularized from everyone from Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast At Tiffany's to Princess Diana, is a timeless classic that every woman should have in her wardrobe. The black fabric looks great with any kind of diamond jewelry, as its dark neutral nature allows colored gems to take the spotlight. Wearing a black dress with your yellow diamond stud earrings will truly help them shine.

2. A Purple Blouse or Sweater

When considering what colors make other colors pop, you have to think of contrasting shades on the color wheel. As purple is on the opposite end of the wheel across from yellow, it allows the sunny shade to show up better. Wearing anything purple on the top of your body, whether it's a blouse, sweater, coat, or even a scarf, will really set off your yellow earrings.

3. A Deep Blue Jumpsuit

If purple isn't your color, the next best contrasting color you can wear to make yellow earrings jump out is any shade of deep blue, whether it's navy, teal, or royal. If you've grown tired of wearing dresses to events that call for one, why not try a navy blue jumpsuit? Not only do jumpsuits help elongate the body, but they're comfortable (as long as you're OK with taking the top down when you need to use the restroom.)

Any kind of deep blue clothing will compliment your yellow diamond earrings.

4. A White Suit and Yellow Top

Of course, another way to draw attention to a colored diamond is to wear an article of clothing that matches it. For yellow diamond earrings, that means wearing yellow. If you don't want to wear head-to-toe yellow, opt for a yellow top that's close to the shade of your diamond.

We love the idea of wearing a crisp white suit with a yellow top so that there's just enough color near your face to call attention to your jewelry. White looks fantastic with any clear diamonds surrounding the yellow gem.

5. A Busy Print Blouse and Solid Pants

One fashion rule when accessorizing with jewelry is to not put the clothing and jewelry together when they're both "loud." If earrings are large and ornate, for example, they'll look best when worn with solid colored clothing versus a graphic patterned fabric.

Busy prints, on the other hand, should be worn with more understated jewelry which is why you can easily wear colorful or complex patterns with diamond stud jewelry. Neither will overwhelm the other. In fact, your stud earrings may become your go-to jewelry accessory when you don't know what else to wear with a particular outfit.

6. A Bright Pink Sweater and Black Leggings

Another color that resides next to purple (making it a good contrast hue) is bright pink or fuchsia. Yellow becomes more noticeable near this combination of red and purple. If you want to experiment with wearing fuchsia with yellow diamond earrings, try a cozy sweater and black leggings.

7. Anything Black and White

A black and white dress, top, or jacket or just wearing a black top with white pants (or vice versa) will compliment your yellow earrings. As two neutrals, black and white set apart any bright color worn with it.

If you're feeling daring, try wearing a pair of yellow shoes with your black and white ensemble. A splash of yellow in your ears and on your feet will tie the entire look together from head to toe.

8. A T-Shirt And Jeans

There's no reason why a completely casual outfit should be an excuse not to wear diamond jewelry. As already noted, diamonds go with everything and stud earrings are understated enough that they add just the right amount of bling to weekend wear.

9. Office Attire

Whether you wear suits, dresses, or more casual tops and pants to your office, stud earrings are sure to complement any type of office attire.

For job interviews, you may want to opt for other earrings that won't be too shiny and therefore, distracting. Once you're working, however, diamond stud earrings are great to wear to the office, especially when you have someplace to go at night after work. 

10. Silky Lingerie

While it's a good idea to remove earrings before you go to bed, diamond stud earrings are perfect for those romantic evenings with your partner. They compliment silky lingerie well. And if the person you're spending the night with gave you the earrings you're wearing, they'll appreciate that you have them on.

The Versatility Of Yellow Diamond Stud Earrings

As you can see, anything goes with yellow diamond stud earrings. They add just the right amount of sparkle to your look without being overwhelming. There are no limitations when it comes to wearing these earrings, so why not experiment with the ideas above as well as your own looks?

Ready for your own pair? Shop our diamond earring selection to find the perfect style just for you!

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