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Guide to 2020 Birthstone list | TVON

There are many different birthstone list ideas that you can look at. However, the most important thing is to understand what the essential aspects of the birthstone are. If you know the significance of the birthstone, you will be able to make a choice on which particular birthstone list to use.

The most crucial aspect is whether or not you think you can identify the stone or not. Some people are very good at picking out a stone, and many people are not. It is a matter of individual preference.

Another important aspect is how easily you remember the name of the birthstone. You have to remember to choose a list that is easy to use and interpret. Many times a list will have a symbol or two that you have to decipher. It is not necessary that you need to memorize every single symbol and it is not necessary that you have to remember every one of them.

An essential aspect of any list is how much information it contains. Of course, you want to find a list that will include all the information you want to know about the stone. You do not want to get a list that has no information on it. The more information you have, the better. That is why you should consider using a list that is based on knowledge rather than vague information.

Finding the right birthstone list is not difficult. Just remember the tips above, and you should have no problem finding the best list for you.

Birthstone list websites offer you many choices of lists to choose from. These lists are not as large as a whole bibliography, but they still contain a lot of information about the different stones. The fact that you have many choices makes it easier for you to make a decision.

You have to be careful when looking at birthstone list prices. You don't want to be surprised by the amount you pay for the list. It is also a good idea to pay attention to the price range of the list.

Big online retailers that sell lists give discounts and deals. Most of these retailers give you a free shipping list if you buy their service. This allows you to test the service before making your final decision.

After you have used a birthstone list, you may want to keep it for a long time. Just like anything, the longer you keep the list, the more it will help you in your life. However, it may also become redundant, so you will have to replace it periodically.

When you use a list, you need to pay attention to the information you receive. All the information is helpful in some way, so you should make sure that you get all the relevant information. This way, you will be able to identify stones that are hidden gems.

A birthstone list is a great tool to use. You will have the chance to put together your personalized birthstone list, and there is nothing worse than making a mistake and not having a choice.


Birthstone List

Month Birthstone
Birth Flower   Zodiac Sign
Dates of Zodiac Signs
January Garnet Carnation or Snowdrop Capricorn December 22 - January 20
February Amethyst
Violet or Primrose Aquarius
January 21 - February 19
March Aquamarine
Jonquil ( Daffodil ) Pisces
February 20 - March 20
April Diamond
Sweet Pea or Daisy Aries
March 21 - April 20
May Emerald
Lily of the Valley Taurus
April 21 - May 20
June Pearl
Rose Gemini
May 21 - June 21
July Ruby
Larkspur or Water Lily Cancer
June 22 - July 22
August Peridot
Gladiolus or Poppy Leo
July 23 - August 23
September Sapphire
Aster or Morning Glory Virgo
August 24 - September 23
October Opal
Calendula (Marigold) Libra
September 24 - October 23
November Topaz
Chrysanthemum Scorpio
October 24 - November 22
December Turquoise

Narcissus Sagittarius
November 23 - December 21


January Birthday & Birthstone List

The January Birthday & Birthstone List is as follows:

  • January Birthday & Birthstone List - a guide to colors, meaning, symbolism and significance
  • Birthday gifts of flowers containing the Carnation birth flower
  • The Capricorn Zodiac sign and birthstone list
  • List of Birthday gifts containing the Garnet birthstone in rings, brooches, pins, cufflinks, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces
  • January Birthday & Birthstone List - a guide to colors, meaning, symbolism and significance

January Birthstone: The Garnet

January Birth Flower: The Carnation

January Sign of the Zodiac and Dates: Capricorn - December 22 - January 20

Characteristics of Capricorn: Stable, Trustworthy, Persistent, Ambitious & Patient

January Sign of the Zodiac, Dates with Personality Traits and Characteristics: The January sign of the Zodiac is Capricorn, and the dates of this sign are December 22 - January 20. The Personality Traits and Characteristics of people whose birth sign fall under the sign of Capricorn are Stable, Trustworthy, Persistent, Ambitious & Patient.

January Birth Flower and Meaning: The January Birth Flower is the Carnation. The meaning of the Carnation is love, fascination, and distinction.

January Birthstone and Properties: The January birthstone is Garnet. The traditional properties closely associated with the Garnet birthstone are awareness, commitment, regeneration, insight, and removing negativity. One of the most famous jewelry birthday gifts for those born in January contains the Garnet birthstone.

There are many types of jewelry which include Garnet birthstones as detailed in the following list:

  • Garnet Rings
  • Garnet Brooches
  • Garnet Pins
  • Garnet Cufflinks
  • Garnet Bracelets
  • Garnet Pendants
  • Garnet Earrings
  • Garnet Necklaces

This handy January Birthday & Birthstone List provides an at-a-glance guide about the appropriate dates and information about the January birthstone - the beautiful Garnet. Use the January Birthday & Birthstone List as inspiration for selecting a special gift for a member of the family or a close friend. The different types of jewelry are suitable for both men and women as the list shows - rings, brooches, pins, cufflinks, bracelets, pendants, earrings, and necklaces. The January Birthday & Birthstone List also provides details of the January birth month flower, the Carnation. Understanding the meaning, symbolism, and significance of the January birthstones, the Garnet, and the lovely Carnation birth flower adds a special birthday message to any birthday gift.

February Birthday & Birthstone List

The February Birthday & Birthstone List is as follows:

  • February Birthday & Birthstone List - a guide to colors, meaning, symbolism and significance
  • Birthday gifts of flowers containing the Violet birth flower
  • List of Birthday gifts containing the Amethyst birthstone in rings, brooches, pins, cufflinks, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces
  • February Birthday & Birthstone List - a guide to colors, meaning, symbolism and significance

February Birthstone: The Amethyst

February Birth Flower: The Violet

February Sign of the Zodiac and Dates: Aquarius - January 21 - February 19

Characteristics of Aquarius: Independent, Creative, Entertaining, Stimulating & Progressive

February Birth Flower and Meaning: The February Birth Flower is the Violet. The meaning of Violet symbolizes faithfulness, humility, and chastity.

February Sign of the Zodiac, Dates with Personality Traits and Characteristics: The February sign of the Zodiac is Aquarius and the dates of this sign are January 21 - February 19. The Personality Traits and Characteristics of people whose birth sign fall under the sign of Aquarius are Independent, Creative, Entertaining, Stimulating & Progressive

February Birthstone and Properties: The February birthstone is Amethyst. The traditional properties closely associated with the Amethyst birthstone are stability, peace, balance, courage, inner strength together with sincerity and a calm disposition. One of the most popular jewelry birthday gifts for those born in February contains the Amethyst birthstone.

There are many types of jewelry which contain Amethyst birthstones as detailed in the following list:

  • Amethyst Rings
  • Amethyst Brooches
  • Amethyst Pins
  • Amethyst Cufflinks
  • Amethyst Bracelets
  • Amethyst Pendants
  • Amethyst Earrings
  • Amethyst Necklaces


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